Camera effects, and more


Someone asked me why I have chosen to use rats as enemies in the game?  

I guess I just like the Skaven vibe from Warhammer. And as I didn't want the enemies to be human, and because aliens were already taken, it's rats. 

Well, it could also be orcs of some sort - but the rats seem to get with a plague vibe better, right? 

Camera effects

Anyways, about the weekly update: I was busy most of the time playing with the camera. I wanted to make sure that shooting animations are reinforced with some camera zooms and shakes, to improve the overall experience.

So I've added some screen shaking during shots:

Same with grenade explosions:

I also added some soft, barely noticeable zoom-in during shooting:

I believe that this is enough for now; and that it is not too much to cause any nausea ;)


Additionally, I have posted my first post on Reddit, on r/IndieGaming. The response and feedback was really great and had built up my confidence that I might be creating something that might be interesting for others as well. It feels great!

 Oh, and one of the Reddit comments regarding the gameplay video killed me:

*defined as xcom-like

*shows two misses in a row in video

Yeah, it checks out

Anyways, I've made some rough roadmap for the upcoming months to make sure that I know what I am working on. Next week will be mainly about fixing any outstanding annoying bugs. This will require a lot of playtesting - so hopefully I will be able to post a lot of nice gameplay videos.

Thanks for reading!

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